Thursday 12 February 2009

Time to dance!

I love my kids! They always make me laugh! Well not always, sometimes they make me cry too! At the moment, though, Lottie is an absolute delight! She is so full of character, so happy and always ready with a cheesy grin or a bit of crazy baby dancing. I frequently catch her grooving along to the hum of the printer! Its true!!! However, yesterday bedtime topped it all! I fell about when I spotted her dancing along to the toilet flush!!!!!!!!! It really was one of those moments you wish you had a camera handy.

Kids are so simple, so straightforward, they really can find the fun in just about anything (apart from of course tidying their bedrooms!!!) I am not suggesting that we should join them in their crazy toilet dancing (though that may help pleasurise the whole cleaning process?) But sometimes I can be so boring and grown up! I need to learn to be young too! To hear the music, to see the opportunities for fun and to dance! Life is good! God wants us to enjoy him and enjoy his life forever!

Jesus said "I have come that they may have life and life TO THE FULL" The Bible

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