Thursday 19 February 2009

His way is higher!

Was supposed to be swimming yesterday with a friend of mine and her lovely daughter but, having spent all morning getting things together, we got there to find that the pool was full! We were, of course, a little disappointed, but decided we would try again another time and instead set off home for coffee and a playtime. However, on arriving home, we found that our lovely elderly neighbour had taken a tumble outside her house and was unable to get up. She had already been there for some time and, had we been able to swim as planned, who knows how much longer it would have been! But God had a plan! And his plan was bigger than ours!

The Bible tells us that we can make our plans but it is God who determines our steps (Proverbs 16:9). The pool being full was not a spanner in the works, it was God redirecting our steps and pointing us in the right direction! His plans are greater than our plans. His thoughts are higher than ours!

So, next time something happens to wreck your plans (or mine), let's just take a moment to contemplate...perhaps God has a bigger idea, something different to achieve. He wants to use me and you to show his massive love! His way is higher and so much better!

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