Wednesday 25 February 2009

New Clothes!

Beyond the understanding of some is the inherent love for shopping which is familiar to so many of the female species. I admit that we do not all fit this generalisation, but as a 'thirty something' mum with little time for the luxuries of clothes shopping, I myself very much appreciate the opportunity to wander quietly round the shops without some small someone tugging at my arm, requesting sweets, toys, or just needing the toilet, AGAIN!!!!! Over the last few months I have found myself on more than one occassion walking the supermarket aisles late into the evening, sometimes as necessity dictates: the nappies I forgot to buy; the emergency shreddies' expedition; and other essentials (Yes, I mean the chocolate!) Quite often, however, I will end up in the clothes aisle, perusing the latest bargains and if I am really reckless in the changing room itself!!!! Yes, I know I need to get out more! I like clothes, but often in the craziness of life it is the least I can manage to grab some that are clean and flat, without paying too much attention to fashion or coordination...a shocking but true reality! I recall however, the great, if somewhat distant, feeling when I manage to cast aside the old clothes and find something that fits and looks good (always a challenge in the ever fluctuating world of the pregnant/nursing mother!)

Yesterday morning, having read a bit from Zechariah to the kids, Poppy drew a picture of what God had said to her! She drew one girl wearing dull boring clothes, another wearing what she described as "Fab, new clothes", covered in hearts and stars, and she wrote "You've got to change out of your old life and get a new life!" The word became even clearer when I read Zechariah 3 this morning. God wants us to come back to him, to listen and turn from our sinful ways, and to swap our dirty, filthy clothes, for fine new ones! I am reminded of the makeover programmes and am challenged. How many of us would choose to continue in the old clothes if offered a new designer wardrobe!?

God wants us to experience his new life! He wants us to be clean and feel fab! He has fine new clothes for us to wear! We just have to put them on!

Romans 13:14
Clothe yourself with the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge your evil desires.

Galatians 3:27
And all who have been united with Christ in baptism have put on Christ, like putting on new clothes.

Thursday 19 February 2009

His way is higher!

Was supposed to be swimming yesterday with a friend of mine and her lovely daughter but, having spent all morning getting things together, we got there to find that the pool was full! We were, of course, a little disappointed, but decided we would try again another time and instead set off home for coffee and a playtime. However, on arriving home, we found that our lovely elderly neighbour had taken a tumble outside her house and was unable to get up. She had already been there for some time and, had we been able to swim as planned, who knows how much longer it would have been! But God had a plan! And his plan was bigger than ours!

The Bible tells us that we can make our plans but it is God who determines our steps (Proverbs 16:9). The pool being full was not a spanner in the works, it was God redirecting our steps and pointing us in the right direction! His plans are greater than our plans. His thoughts are higher than ours!

So, next time something happens to wreck your plans (or mine), let's just take a moment to contemplate...perhaps God has a bigger idea, something different to achieve. He wants to use me and you to show his massive love! His way is higher and so much better!

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Never give up!

I like to be real and to relate to others, so it is not difficult for me to admit that my life is sometimes far from perfect. Often, however, when things do not live up to my expectations it can get me down, I can become discouraged or feel like giving up. As I get older I find my attention more easily diverted to the failings, the gaps, the imperfections in life than to what is good and right. I am losing my shininess!!!! I was challenged and provoked today by the words of Winston Churchill, quite a number of them!!! So here are a few I thought I would share with you...

"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."

"It is a fine thing to be honest, but it is also very important to be right."

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

"Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiam."

"Difficulties mastered are opportunities won."

"I am an optimist. It does not seem too much use being anything else!"

Love and Blessings, Sarah x

Monday 16 February 2009

Top 10 free kids' activities...

A bargain hunter at heart I am a great fan of all things cheap (or even better free!!) You don't get much for free these days, but you don't have to spend a lot to get a lot! Sometimes when surrounded by stuff it is easy to forget the simple truth that some of the best things in life are free! So here is a 'off the top of the head' list of fun but free things to do with your kids in the holidays...Feel free to add a comment to share some of your own favourites...
1. Curl up with a book. Grab your slippers, a blanket and a GOOD book. Read to them and escape into another world together!
2. Visit an art gallery or local museum (so many of them provide cheap or free activities for families during school holidays)
3. Get crafty! Get out the paint, glitter, get messy...don't just leave them to it, join in!!! Its very therapeutic and a great opportunity to chat whilst your creating together.
4. Do some baking! Fresh bread, cakes, biscuits...all are usually cheaper to homemake than buy in the supermarkets, and taste sooo much nicer too!
5. Play games. A simple game of dominoes, cards, pencil and paper games, or even hide and seek!!! Just watch out grown ups...last time I attempted to hide in a wardrobe the bottom fell out!!!
6. Make a den! Indoors or outdoors...there's nothing quite like a den for fuelling a new adventure! Let them make a mess and have fun being young!
7. Get outdoors...walking, collecting, exploring, discovering together.
8. Make your own cinema. Buy some cheap popping corn (a 60p bag should be enough for about ten film showings!!) Make tickets, close the curtains, watch a film & chill together.
9. Visit the library. If my kids are anything to go by a trip to the library is usually enough to give a much needed lull in the business of it all. And if you manage to return the books before the return date you are doing better than me!!!
10. Get together with friends. Sometimes even the most mundane activities are more fun with friends in tow.
Hope you enjoy your half term holiday!!!! xxx

Saturday 14 February 2009


Have had the most amazing romantic day!!!!! Was bashed awake this morning by our baby followed by the obligatory mountaineering expedition (yes I was the mountain!) Next, Levi (our seven year old son) proceeded to read his most recent favourite read "Dirty Bertie" sleepily to us whilst the girls were 'secretly' making us breakfast in bed. By the time we had finished the cereal we were spitting feathers (a serious flaw in the milk to cereal ratio!) And it just gets better... Simon, keen to please, had decided to make an authentic curry for me (one of my favourite dishes!). Hence, the house has been filled with the romantic aromas of onions and garlic all day....mmmmmmmmm! To top it all, as I speak Simon is still writing my Valentines card (made by Poppy, as mine was also!). We could be inclined to think that romance is dead but with a smile I enjoy every minute (well maybe not quite the rude awakening!) but I am thankful for my lovely family and faithful husband. Life is not always the romantic comedy I imagined it would be, but love is more than a feeling. I am thankful that I have kids and a husband who love me as I am (just like God does) and I make it my challenge to love them unconditionally too! Have a wonderful Valentine's Day & lots of love to you from me and from Jesus xxxx He loves you...Yeah yeah yeah!

"God loved the world so much that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not die but have eternal life" The Bible

Thursday 12 February 2009

Charlotte's Web: EB White

I sobbed through the last few chapters of the story with the children yesterday. It is without a doubt one of the most beautiful stories I have ever read! A story of friendship out of loneliness and love that overcomes against all odds. Whatever your age, if you have never experienced this wonderful story, you really must! Turn off the TV and read it to your kids (or to yourself) today!

"Greater love has noone that he lay down his life for his friends" The Bible

Time to dance!

I love my kids! They always make me laugh! Well not always, sometimes they make me cry too! At the moment, though, Lottie is an absolute delight! She is so full of character, so happy and always ready with a cheesy grin or a bit of crazy baby dancing. I frequently catch her grooving along to the hum of the printer! Its true!!! However, yesterday bedtime topped it all! I fell about when I spotted her dancing along to the toilet flush!!!!!!!!! It really was one of those moments you wish you had a camera handy.

Kids are so simple, so straightforward, they really can find the fun in just about anything (apart from of course tidying their bedrooms!!!) I am not suggesting that we should join them in their crazy toilet dancing (though that may help pleasurise the whole cleaning process?) But sometimes I can be so boring and grown up! I need to learn to be young too! To hear the music, to see the opportunities for fun and to dance! Life is good! God wants us to enjoy him and enjoy his life forever!

Jesus said "I have come that they may have life and life TO THE FULL" The Bible

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Don't Forget the Baby!

Here's one for you busy mums (and dads)...

I was reminded today of a humorous occassion last year when in the mad dash of the school run I found myself in such a flap not to be late that I walked part way to school with an empty pushchair leaving my poor baby still sitting in her carseat!!!!! T'was very funny, especially as I recall, the little sad lip she was protruding on my return!!! I hasten to add, for the benefit of any social workers' perusal, that the car was in view at all times, and thankfully I did realise what was missing before I had progressed too far. Furthermore, I vow that though I may, and undoubtedly will, still forget to return library books on time, fill in forms and remember that important birthday, I will, all else failing, make every effort to remember not to forget the baby!

Saturday 7 February 2009


Having done some 'snow learning' with the kids this week we found ourselves looking at images of snowflakes on google. We had tried to go into the garden with our magnifying glasses to look at them in detail but the flakes were too big and they just kept melting! Later on though, whilst enduring the obligatory sledging (ok, we were loving it!!!) we were amazed to see that you can actually see them with the naked eye!!!!! I cannot believe that I have lived for 36 years and never before seen this wonder! The tiny, intricate and amazing shapes... so detailed and each one completely unique. Admittedly snow is not a familiar sight for most of us, and when it comes we are so busy doing...making snowmen, snowball fighting, sledging, that we sometimes fail to just stop & look. Perhaps I am alone in my lack of observational skills, but as the next snow falls (hopefully tomorrow for us Midlanders!) just take a moment to look & consider their beauty. And consider that as each are unique and beautiful so too are we even more beautiful to our wonderful Creator Dad!

Thursday 29 January 2009

More inspirations...

Take a look at my friend Leah's new blog...have just been there & it's great reading! Enjoy & be blessed!

Homeschooling...a new adventure!

It has been a very long time since I wrote! And, since a friend of mine told me just yesterday that she had been reading my aged blog, I thought it was perhaps time to update! Lots has happened over the last month or so. We had a wonderful Christmas, celebrated Lottie's first birthday (and her first official chocolate!) , Sally's 6th (more chocolate!) and my 36th (never enough chocolate!) I am now officially closer to 40 than 30, the hair is still greying and the wrinkles still deepening, but I am still smiling (just!)

Probably the biggest bit of news is that we have finally taken the plunge & begun the long considered adventure of home education! The kids, if you ask them, are loving it (though we have had more than the occassional uncooperative moment!), and I am gradually finding my feet. The task is undoubtedly made more 'challenging' by our now toddler, who is in the wonderful 'exploring' stage: pulling books off shelves; fiddling with the PC (takes after her daddy!); & generally doing anything she's not supposed to do! It amazes me that she is able to spend so long determinedly opening kitchen cupboards to retrieve delicious dishwasher tablets when the concentration span for her own 'toddler toys' is no more than 30 seconds!!! I am becoming very skilled at performing tasks one handed with the little whirlwind strapped to my hip! When it works the days are fun & when it doesn't, 'interesting' is perhaps a good word! I am gradually trying to chill & not be too formalised or rigid in our learning, to prepare, but be relaxed, and be ready to rethink and change my plans when necessary.

In so many ways it is great: no uniforms to iron; lunches to make; no dashing around like headless chickens in the mornings, and the quality of family time is so much better. It has been great to take time each morning to read the Bible & pray with the kids, something which in the business of our lives we have never really prioritised. But home schooling is not without its challenges and I must (still) learn to depend on God when I run out of my own reserves (and ideally beforehand!)

I am very pleased that we have finally taken the plunge and won't forever be wondering 'what if...', but we are still very much 'trialling' the whole thing. Interestingly, when asked about returning to school the general consensus is a no (though I am aware that we are still very much in the honeymoon period and the novelty factor is high!) Nevertheless, Poppy's qualification of 'not yet...' requires that I hold lightly this new relaxed life style. If at some point they are keen to return, it becomes unworkable for us or we feel God telling us to send them back we will do so. In the meantime we are enjoying our quality time, practising patience, doing our best to stay in touch with everyone and having fun learning together. It's a wild but wonderful life!