Thursday 4 December 2008

A lighthearted look at motherhood

Check out Anita Renfroe on You tube...

I found it really funny...hope you enjoy it too! Whatever kind of day you've had, I pray that you will know that God loves you! He can help each one of us, as we face the craziness of our day to day life, to find joy and "laugh at the days that are to come". Every happiness...x

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Blog to God!

Was reading about Hannah today (1 Samuel Chapters 1-2). In the story, Hannah, married to a guy called Elkanah, is unable to have children and she is 'deeply troubled'. The story tells us about how God turns her situation around and gives her his joy, and ultimately a child (actually I think 5 or 6 of them?). As I read the story today, I identified with her and felt challenged by what I read. At times, I too can become sad, sometimes with good reason, sometimes for no reason whatsoever. I also like to to talk, and be real about what is going on in my life, I admit sometimes to a fault. My husband Simon is wonderful and his friendly shoulder and kind advice is a great blessing, usually anyway!, as too are the friends whose shoulders I have cried into many times. I thank God for them all. Interestingly though in this story, Hannah, whilst deeply troubled, does not offload onto a friend or even her husband. Insead she goes to God and pours out her heart. I like that! So often I try to work things out by myself, forgetting that God is real, he is my friend, he is my dad! I can talk to him and share my innermost thoughts, dreams, fears, hopes and worries with him. He is a great listener and he is the ultimate Mr Fix It! He can even help me to want things to be fixed when I feel like giving up!! He is able to do what needs to be done, to provide what I need and to help me with anything! Yes, anything!!!!!!! My God is able! Coming to God with her sadness turned Hannah's life around, deepened her friendship with him, but also helped her to find joy through it all. God is gentle and kind, he loves us, he know us and because of Jesus he accepts us.

It was in the light of this that I decided it was time to start a "BLOG TO GOD". So now, and every day, or whenever I remember, whatever is on my mind (hopes, joys, fears, sadness, bizarreness) everything that makes me who I am, I will share with him. As I do so, I expect that God will do the same, and reveal himself to me....Wow! I am very much looking forward to the process of dicovering God and I expect that there will be much more to say as I embark on my real life journey with Jesus! Watch this space...

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Santa Claus is coming to town!

Yet more funny stories this week. Am beginning to feel I could write a book, although I imagine that to be a thought familiar to many of us, at one time or another in the parenting journey. Unfortunately, by the very nature of the job, the time restraints do not, on the whole, permit such luxuries as book writing. So, at least for the time being, I shall have to satisfy myself with a little lighthearted goes...

As I was saying. December has arrived! And so our Christmas plans have stepped up a gear. This week, whilst talking Christmas presents we had some real funnies! Sally mentioned that she would like a DS!!!!! Our instant reaction...Yikes! Thankfully, Poppy, wise and sensible child (there's one in every family) suggested that perhaps the gift idea may be too expensive for mummy and daddy! Baffled by Poppy's encouragement to downscale, Sally proceeded to tell us that she was going to ask Santa, for the present, not mummy & daddy!

Later, unwavering in her determination, she started writing her Christmas letter. I tried to explain to her that it is "sometimes better to ask for a general gift, maybe Santa knows what you want more than you do yourself, maybe he will get you something really wonderful you have never considered." Sally, however, was not convinced! Apparently she "already had a gun!". On interrogation it became clear that she was not impressed with last year's present of a pop gun that she had received on visiting Santa in his grotto and thought perhaps this year she could help out by providing a little more 'guidance'.

Her perception of course gave us all a giggle, but I have to admit...she does have a point!