Wednesday 11 February 2009

Don't Forget the Baby!

Here's one for you busy mums (and dads)...

I was reminded today of a humorous occassion last year when in the mad dash of the school run I found myself in such a flap not to be late that I walked part way to school with an empty pushchair leaving my poor baby still sitting in her carseat!!!!! T'was very funny, especially as I recall, the little sad lip she was protruding on my return!!! I hasten to add, for the benefit of any social workers' perusal, that the car was in view at all times, and thankfully I did realise what was missing before I had progressed too far. Furthermore, I vow that though I may, and undoubtedly will, still forget to return library books on time, fill in forms and remember that important birthday, I will, all else failing, make every effort to remember not to forget the baby!

1 comment:

zoe said...

your so normal
love you