Thursday 18 September 2008

School days: learning on the run!

Got up early this morning, well earlier than normal! Si is away at the moment and I thought my early rising might help the morning to run smoothly. Unfortunately in spite of all my efforts at 8.50 we had still not left the house!!! I am reassured that I will not always have to nag the children to put on their shoes, brush their teeth, find their reading books, or TURN OFF THE COMPUTER!, but this season can at times seem unending! Apparently, before long we will be entering the season "GET OUT OF BED", however, as the mother of 4 small children whose morning regularly begins around 6am, and who has been woken for the last few weeks by a violent kicking in the back, this prospect does not seem so bad! Having tried unsuccessfully to be patient we finally achieved the school run, and breathing a sigh of relief, I walked home enjoying the calm after the storm!

Then, spotting a close friend I did the familiar playground 'splurge', reiterating every fault and weakness my kids had displayed that morning in my desire is to be 'open' and 'real' and not pretend everything was just fine. A problem shared is a problem halved!!! Or so they say? However, I am not convinced that my approach is always constructive! Essentially my desire like any good parent is to have a happy, harmonious family and conflicts like this morning's do not help achieve my goal. But God wants to teach me to be a peacemaker in my home, and I am learning, albeit painfully slowly! God is on my case, and all I need to do is take a moment to listen!

On my return home I picked up my Bible &, reading Proverbs 17:9, was pulled up sharply! This is what it said,

"Disregarding another person's faults preserves love: telling about them separates close friends"

The Bible is neither dull or boring, nor irrelevant, it is God's word, living and active and is full of practical help and hope, enabling me to live a life of SUCCESS! God wants me to love my children, with all of their faults and weaknesses, just as he loves me! In turn I must learn not to draw attention to their weaknesses, but to overlook their faults and be full of mercy toward them, not treating them as they deserve but demonstrating unconditional love! If I tell of their faults to others I risk alienating myself from them. Instead I should speak about their strengths and God's plan for their lives, and as we grow together in his love we will be not just mum and daughter, or mum and son, but will be and remain close friends.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Excellent challenge Sarah. I think I need that verse stuck somewhere prominent both at home and at work!