Tuesday 4 November 2008

The Danger Zone!

Yet again Levi returned from school today with the usual accident report, and tales of football and nosebleeds. It never fails to amaze me how many of these little notes he can manage to rack up in a week. Playground headbumps are the most common, and an encounter with that concrete skull is not easily forgotten! Talking with friends it appears I am not alone in this experience. It seems that little boys were designed for such things; climbing, adventures, cuts, grazes and all things hazardous!!! No matter how we try to remove from them all traces of danger and provide them with safer and calmer pastimes, somehow whatever they do soon mutates into an adreneline sport or an opportunity for some foolery or another!! I was flabbergasted today at how my son was able to transform a simple cake baking task into crashing, smashing slapstick, bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase 'beating' the eggs! In spite of the daily challenges I am very thankful for the kids God has blessed me with. I love their character and humour (well most of the time anyway!) and I am learning to laugh at the loudness, and craziness which threatens to drive me closer to insanity on a daily basis. Life in the Dean house may be loud, lively and sometimes a challenge, but it is certainly never dull!!!!

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