Friday 14 November 2008

How about this for a laugh!

It was Poppy's birthday party today & Levi & Sally were due to make a trip out with Daddy to allow for a slightly more grown up girly time at home. However, having seen the cake, delicious food, games, and other birthday paraphernalia; we encountered a small mutiny! They wanted to stay and participate! Thankfully, Poppy was very mature and understanding, and agreed that they could stay and play waiter and waitress. However, on dressing in their smartest clothes I overheard a short conversation between Levi and Poppy which made me laugh out loud! Levi was suggesting that he put on rollerskates and do his waiting on wheels!!!!!!!! Of course we immediately stepped in to avoid any unnecessary trips to casualty, but the thought was very entertaining! It doesn't take much imagination to visualise the soup splattered walls and cream covered children. It got me thinking though...perhaps we should sometimes allow our children to learn for themselves, explore their own creative ideas and experience the consequences. It would certainly make for good entertainment and could even help raise funds... just remember to keep a camera handy!

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